Alihankinta Subcontracting Fair 2024 is the place where industrial professionals meet.
Subcontracting presents the metal, electronics, plastics and rubber industries, industrial ICT solutions, as well as design and consulting within these fields. In three days, Finland's leading industrial event will offer visitors a unique overview of the industry's prospects and the future.
FIXI will be present at the fair in Finland in Hall A, Stand 132.
For more information
Fixi Srl a socio unico - Società soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento di Berardi Bullonerie Srl
Via Bellardi 40/A - 10146 Torino (Italy) - Tel. 011 70.72.398 - 011 70.70.877 - Fax 011 70.72.521
Capitale Sociale € 100.000 - Reg. Imp., Cod. Fisc. e P.IVA IT 13092700015 - Iscriz. al Reg. delle Imp. REA di Torino N.1338440
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