Fastener Fair Italy 2024

CityLife - Allianz Mi-Co - Milan 29-30 October

FIXI is present at the Fastener Fair Italy in Milan on 29-30 October 2024.

This is the trade event that covers all aspects of the fastener and fixing industry and offers an exceptional opportunity to build profitable business relationships between manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors, end users and the industry.

Our FIXI team will be available to all commercial entities interested in fasteners, industrial and construction fixings.

We will be present at stand 555 hall 3 ready to present our new products such as:

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Fixi fa parte del gruppo Berardi Group

Fixi Srl a socio unico - Società soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento di Berardi Bullonerie Srl
Via Bellardi 40/A - 10146 Torino (Italy) - Tel. 011 70.72.398 - 011 70.70.877 - Fax 011 70.72.521
Capitale Sociale € 100.000 - Reg. Imp., Cod. Fisc. e P.IVA IT 13092700015 - Iscriz. al Reg. delle Imp. REA di Torino N.1338440
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