The extensive Fixi fastening systems catalogue is completed by the offer of professional equipment designed to speed up the installation of fasteners. 

This includes hand and oleo-pneumatic rivet nut and rivet tools, as well as new battery-operated riveting tools, presses for self-clinching fasteners, plus accessories and tooling for wire inserts.

Among the 2019 novelties, Fixi has introduced the new 021600 oleo-pneumatic riveting tool, a smaller and lighter tool specific for setting rivets of 2.4mm, 3mm and 3.2mm diameter, which complements the well-established F1, F2, F3 and F4 series of riveting tools. The ergonomic design and the lighter weight ensures comfort during handling and low fatigue during use.

Through the website, demonstration videos can be viewed and the complete updated catalogues of the full range of products can be downloaded.  Visit our the selection of hand, oleopneumatic and battery powered Blind Rivet Tools.

fixi oleopneumatic ools 021600 riveter

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