Sicam Fair 2024

Pordenone October 15-18

FIXI is present at Sicampordenone, the International Exhibition of Components, Accessories and Semi-finished Products for the Furniture Industry from 15 to 18 October in Pordenone.

We offer industry professionals an overview of our fastening systems for marble, stone and composite materials.

Our Team awaits you at Pavilion 3 Stand E13.

Register on the website to obtain the access pass

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Fixi fa parte del gruppo Berardi Group

Fixi Srl a socio unico - Società soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento di Berardi Bullonerie Srl
Via Bellardi 40/A - 10146 Torino (Italy) - Tel. 011 70.72.398 - 011 70.70.877 - Fax 011 70.72.521
Capitale Sociale € 100.000 - Reg. Imp., Cod. Fisc. e P.IVA IT 13092700015 - Iscriz. al Reg. delle Imp. REA di Torino N.1338440
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