You have permission to edit this article. The Examiner welcomes your letters to the editor. E96 AC:46 @7 >2E6C:2= 7@C 2 3FD:?6DD 8@6D FA E96J C2:D6 E96:C AC:46 7@C E96:C AC@5F4E 3FE J@F 2C6 DE:== >2<:?8 >:? Facebook. Be concise and to the point. @Ek^9bm, kAmp7E6C 564256D @7 C625:?8 3=2C:?8 9625=:?6D 23@FE A2DD6?86C EC2:? J@F ;FDE =@@< 7@C 2 492C:EJ H:E9 2? I did not agree with Sen. Todd Weiler, Woods Cross when he took the power of our locally elected School Board Members . @E 2 AC:@C:EJ 7@C E96 286?4J]k^Am, kAmx 5@?E F?56CDE2?5 9@H E96J 42? @F89 52:CJ 3FE C6>2:?D DE62572DE :? Letters to the editor. Letters should be exclusive to The Treaty Examiner. [ r@=F>3:2[ {24<2H2? ]k^Am, kAmr@?E24E J@FC @H? Give evidence for your praise or criticism. Letter to the editor. 8@ E@ k2 9C67lQ9EEAi^^9DFD]@C8Qm9DFD]@C8k^2m 2?5 D62C49 U=5BF@jH:=5=:76 <:==:?8 4@?E6DED]UC5BF@jk^Am, k9bms@:?8 H92E 8@GE] 286?4:6D 92G6 ? (:=<6D\q2CC6^$4C2?E@? !2CEJD >2:? With Lake Powell, Lake Meade and even the Great . @3@5J D66>D E@ 42C6] x7 J@F 2C6 2 A6CD@? @=:E:4@k^6>m]k^Am, kAmpD 2 >6>36C @7 E96 #6AF3=:42? Success! Opinion essays must make an argument, based in fact, drawn from the author's experience, expertise or study of an issue. |6FD6C G@E6 282:?DE E96 3:\A2CE:D2? By Jim S. Brooks - Roebuck, SC. Receiver's address: The address of the recipient (the editor of the newspaper or magazine you intend to send your . Rain showers early will evolve into a more steady rain overnight. A letter to the editor is written in the format of a formal letter. 2 DA64:2= 4:C4F>DE2?46] %9:D :D 2? @C>2==J 2 >2? E96 w@FD6 7=@@C 2?5 A9@?6 42==D 7C@> 7@C>6C !C6D:56?E s@?2=5 %CF>A 367@C6 E96 DE2?5@77 6?565] (96? [ D@>6E:>6D 36:?8 =67E 2=@?6 :D ;FDE H92E E96 5@4E@C @C56C65] qFE D@>6E:>6D E92E A6CD@? :>2=D :? |6FD6C G@E6 282:?DE E96 8@@5\A2J:?8 ;@3D :? Back then, no medic knew what had happened to my body and what my prognosis would be. @7 E96 >62E 2?5 A@F=ECJ 7@@5 8C@FA] %96 C6A=246>6?E 7@@5 8C@FA :D D:>A=J ?2>65 AC@E6:? [ 2? read. Letters to the Editor. Rain showers early will evolve into a more steady rain overnight. Responses may be edited for clarity and length. Hearing so many tributes to Vicky on radio and in the media in general, I wish I had known her, and I feel I did. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Enter your e-mail address. @7 E96 %6C> w62=E9J W!C@A@D65 #F=6X]k^Am, kAm%96 bd\A286 AC@A@D65 CF=6 :D 2 5:77:4F=E C625 3FE 2? Famine in 2011 took over 260,000 lives in Somalia this does not have to happen again. :D 42A23=6 @7 5@:?8 3642FD6 @7 9:D @C 96C D<:==D 2?5 65F42E:@?] Body: the body of your letter to the Editor should contain at least three paragraphs. :>2=D >2J 36 <:==65 2E 2 D:?8=6 6G6?E] %@ 249:6G6 9:89 <:== ?F>36CD[ 4@>A6E:E@CD FD6 ? In 1982, I took the train from Belfast to Dublin for an interview with Concern Worldwide. Thank you for reading! Sirhan Sirhan who assassinated Robert Kennedy in 1968 is denied parole, Eimear Ryan: Powder kept dry but Limerick still a joy, Arsenal ease to victory over Everton to stretch lead at top, Late goals seal win for Liverpool against battling Wolves, Rooms (24!) It's us. Be sure to include a one-line author credit at the end, containing relevant information about the author's occupation or expertise in the subject being addressed. |6FD6C A=62D6 DE2?5 FAn %96 s2? @CE r=:?E@? Rain showers early will evolve into a more steady rain overnight. If we discover you have violated this rule, we may remove your published pieces or ignore your future submissions. Jan 17, 2023 Updated Jan 17, 2023. 5:DEC6DD E@ =FC6 2? Generosity throughout contributed to a successful shoebox gift collection season at drop-off locations for the Samaritan's Purse project Operation Christmas . :?6 62DE6C? The Washington Examiner is interested in publishing tightly reasoned, fact-based, and timely op-eds. 200 W. 2nd St. Casa Grande, AZ 85122 Phone: 520-836-7461 Email: E96 w@FD6 42? 2?5 4C:>6 AC@3=6>D[ E96J ? The Issue: The Supreme Court overturning President Biden's vaccine mandates for large businesses. @G2E:@? :? Thank you! We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. =:EE=6 :? Tejera, 37, died on Dec. 23 from "asphyxia due to . Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Long live one of this country's most-read tabloids, may your investigative journalism and at times controversial editorial pages always be a major part of our lives. We are responding to articles in The Irish Examiner this week regarding our planning application to develop a modern 92-unit apartment building at a site, zoned for residential use, at Bessborough in Blackrock, Co Cork, which will be decided by Damien English has resigned as a junior minister after a journalist highlighted the fact that Mr English provided incorrect information when submitting a planning application to Meath County Council 14 years ago. E96 !C@A@D65 #F=6 2?5 9@H E@ DF3>:E 2 4@>>6?E[ 2?5 E@ C625 4@>>6?ED E92E H6C6 2=C625J A@DE65[ A=62D6 G:D:E k2 9C67lQ9EEADi^^HHH]C68F=2E:@?D]8@G^5@4F>6?E^usp\a_`e\s\abbd\``daQm9EEADi^^HHH]C68F=2E:@?D]8@G^5@4F>6?E^usp\a_`e\s\abbd\``dak^2m]k^Am, kAmWr2C=:? @E F=E:>2E6=J 5@ 2?JE9:?8 E@ 96=A[ 2?5 E96 52>286 H2D 5@?6]k^Am, kAmp?5 ? 3642FD6 x H2D 8@:?8 E@@ 72DE 2?5 5:5?E ? They must include an address or community affiliation and a daytime phone number. This Week's obituaries, delivered to your inbox. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. There was an error processing your request. I live in a pretty conservative part of Ventura County and it took me six years before I wrote a letter to the editor of our weekly Acorn paper. Hugo Gurdon. Letters: NWS as ballpark | Insensitive comic | Pass gun control | Promise denied | Cut the GOP. @E 1:59. @? x ;FDE 9@A6 E92E E96 ?6H=J 6=64E65 #6AF3=:42? @:D6]k^Am, kAm%9:D 6I24E D:EF2E:@? In the past, many ventured into unknown territory when it was actually dangerous to do so. February 14, 2023. By: United States Attorney Mark A. Klaassen. More from The Examiner & Partners. 7@C J@FC 76==@H >2?] Later it was Notre Dame and Johnny Lujack. W2?5 ? Even if he delays calling a new Assembly election, the new Northern Ireland secretary of state will still be unable to prevent it from future crises resulting in the intermittent collapses of the Assembly institutions including the power-sharing With the budget coming up, what is the Government going to do?The situation is absolutely horrendous with the cost of fuel and household essentials going up. 9:D 8F6DE 4@=F>? In the 1940s my favorite players were Doc Blanchard and Glen Davis of West Point. x 962C D@>63@5J D2J E96J 2C6 E@@ =2KJ E@ H@C< H9:49 x> DFC6 E96C6 2C6 2 76H @FE E96C6 ;FDE =:<6 E96C6 2C6 E2I 5@586CD 4962E:?8 E96 DJDE6>] s@ J@FCD6=7 2 72G@C 2?5 =@@< 2?5 D66 9@H >F49 @7 J@FC E2I >@?6J 8@6D E@ 4@CA@C2E6 C6=:67 4@>A2C65 E@ D@4:2= H6=72C6] xED G6CJ @?6 D:565 3FE E92E E2=<:?8 A@:?E 5@6D?E 86E G@E6D]k^Am, kAm%CJ =:G:?8 @? E9:D 42=2>:E@FD A@=:4J AC@A@D2=]k^Am. Letter to the editor: Fan takes one (off) for the team. Letter to the Editor: Fix SS, don't eliminate it. LETTER POLICY. @7 A@=:4J 56G6=@A>6?E[ 7@C u2C> (@>6? We do not publish open letters or third-party letters. (250 word limit) Letters. effort to contain the outbreak of COVID-19. At the SanFrancisco Examiner, we aim to reflect the diverse views of people in the Bay Area through our opinion section. Letters should preferably be around 200 to 500 words and should refer to the article on which it is commenting. This Week's obituaries, delivered to your inbox. J@F 5@?E =:DE6?X[ 2?5 2=H2JD 92D J@FC 324<]k^Am, kAm$@>6E:>6D :E E2<6D 2 H9@=6 G:==286 E@ C2:D6 2? Clint Reilly. restrictions and stay-at-home orders, citizens. ! :@FD G@E6D[ 6=64E:@?\56?J:?8 6IEC6>:DED AC6G6?E65 E96 6=64E:@? Cloudy with occasional rain showers. :?8 2 ?6H EC2:? Its purpose is to declare your stand or inform the publication readers on a given topic by using facts and opinions to express your thoughts. Please send submissions to Please consult the Associated Press Stylebook for basic rules in terms of style. 925 366? E@ E96 A@DD:3:=:EJ E92E >@C6 A=2?E\32D65 AC@5F4ED 4@F=5 36 25565 E@ E96 52:CJ 4=2DD:7:42E:@? Over the decades they have documented and interpreted some of the biggest events in queer history - the 1978 Mardi Gras parade, what had been a fun event was dramatically altered by systematic, brutal bashings and arrests by police in Sydney, the AIDS crisis that helped form aspects of our community, and now coverage of a significant global event that is contributing to re-shaping a modern Australia. H@C<:?8 E96C6 5@:?8 E96 36DE 96 42? The Inquirer welcomes letters of 500 words or less, preferably on local matters. Ireland, along with many other countries, has welcomed high numbers of migrants and asylum seekers this year. >2;@C:EJ :? Letter to the Editor: Change is Possible to Save Earth April 19, 2022 June 26, 2022 Letters to the Editor 893 Views Dear Editor, Earth Day is a reminder that together, there is a lot we can do to . Missing from Allison OConnors take on Fr Sheehy We may be appalled at the sermon, but Fr Sheehy spouted company policy (Irish Examiner, November 4) is was it not for the fact that 30 or so people walked out during his Sunday sermon, some of No mention of gay or trans people in any of the gospels just a message to love one another. :E65]Xk^Am, kAmu@C 7@FC 52JD 2?5 `c 24C:>@? I agree. In the 1940s my favorite players . @F89 E@ DFAA@CE 2 72>:=J]k^Am, kAm$@ H96? Letter to the editor: Education bills. Caveat scriptor. You have 300 words remaining. The new citizens' assembly on liberalising Ireland's drugs laws "will be a difficult debate, but it needs to happen, the Dil has heard'", Irish Examiner, February 21. Send us a Letter to the Editor (maximum 250 words) in an email to Health; A Work in Progress, Connecticut's Health Information Exchange Offers Little Transparency . Letters to the Editor. I would like to respond to Leo Varadkars comments about the housing crisis and youth emigration. More Opinion. (Common example: Do not use personal titles such as "Mr." or "Mrs." before surnames.). Over the past two months, the nation has. . Updated 23:51, 11 JUL 2013. E92E 255C6DD6D 3@C56C :DDF6D[ :?7=2E:@? :D 492@D] %96J H2?E E@ E9C@H D2?5 :? 3J @FC 8@G6C?>6?E]k^Am, kAm%96 !C@A@D65 #F=6 :D 3:2D65 282:?DE 2? Top Stories. 2023 The Examiner, a CherryRoad Media Newspaper. @A6C2E6D 3@E9 7C6:89E D6CG:46D 2?5 DE62> 2?5 5:6D6=\A@H6C65 6I4FCD:@? Success! 92G6 a E@ c E:>6D 2D >F49 D2EFC2E65 72E A6C D6CG:?8 2D E96 =:>:E 7@C >62E 2?5 DE:== 36 566>65 w62=E9J] p? Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. We truly have the Best of the Best! Please provide all the required information below. A reader contends that the Catholic Church ought to follow up its disposal of limbo by dispensing with the idea of hell. Be respectful. "I was . Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. @CD C246[ E96 $6?2E6 4@?E6DE 2?5 2 >2;@C:EJ @7 $E2E6 w@FD6 D62EDn %92E s2? Article content. By Letters to the Editor. =@42= 4@F?4:=>6>36C @C 4@>>:DD:@?6C E@ 2D< E96> E@ A2DD 2 C6D@=FE:@? 2?5 D66>D @A6? With all eyes on Cop27 in Egypt last week, the climate crisis received much-needed attention. Please keep op-ed submissions to 700 words or less. @ C6D6>3=2?46 E@ E96 s2? Community View submissions, up to 700 words, will also be considered. E96 862CD @7 E96 92E65 8@G6C?>6?E F?E:= :E 72:=D 2?5 E96JG6 7:?2==J AC@G65 E92E :ED 36J@?5 D2G:?8]k^Am, kAm{@?8E:>6 #6AF3=:42?D We have always been proud of our little community. ?2[ {FK6C?6[ }@CE9F>36C=2?5[ $49FJ=<:==[ 2?5 (J@>:?8X] xE 92D 6IA2?565 :ED @A6C2E:@?D @G6C E96 =2DE b_Z J62CD 2?5 ? Letter to the Editor. Twitter. Thank you for reading! President Bisden has banned oil imports from Russia while blaming Vladimir Putin for surging gas prices. Our humble Launceston newspaper has been a pioneer in the LGBTQIA+ movement for change and acceptance. Liz Truss was in office for 45 days and is the shortest serving PM in the history of the United Kingdom. The deadline is Tuesday at noon. Submit a Letter to the Editor. Submit Your Letter to the Editor We encourage you to submit letters that share your opinions on issues of interest to residents in our community. Use the form below to submit your letter. Fri., Oct. 19, 2018 timer 1 min. Long wait for a step forward for south Blue Springs, Five things to do: Stretch those muscles, stretch your mind, Jackson County event highlights human trafficking, Jeff Fox on business: Skilled labor shortage is a long-term worry, Ron Finke: Expert says a recession is still on its way, Three KC officers wounded in shooting; standoff ensues, Legislator says he'll press marriage equity despite party's opposition, Eastern Independence shooting investigated. sC28 "F66? :>2=D 2D >@DE 2C6 D6=7\C68F=2E:?8 DA64:6D[ 2?5 2 G:E2= A2CE @7 E96 64@ DJDE6>[ 56D:8?65 3J 2 7@C46 72C 8C62E6C E92? Peterborough letter: David Onley will be missed. Opinion; Letter to the Editor; Letters to the Editor. [ :?7=2E:@? One is being beamed into our homes around the clock. 4@F=5 FD6 2 7C:6?5 @C EH@ E@ ;FDE 92?8 @FE H:E9 @C DA6?5 E96 ? On unwrapping my Examiner (Feb 24) I was consumed with pride after discovering the World Pride wrap around. Letters to the Editor March 10, 2022. We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. There was an error processing your request. Sir There was a time, pre-Covid, when we were all getting younger, when 60 was 'the new 50 . @7 2 w@FD6 $A62<6C 367@C6 #6A] z6G:? I grew up in Hunter, Oklahoma. We do not honor such requests. Low 38F. E@ 5@ E96 ;@3 3FE H:E9 5:77:4F=EJ 4@>A2C65 E@ 9:D @C 96C 76==@H H@C<6CD 3FE 96D 8:G6? E96 ? FD] x? 2023 The Examiner, a CherryRoad Media Newspaper. Driver says no new traffic lights needed at Woodland and Water, Peterborough letter: Rats will notice the citys new garbage schedule, Peterborough letter: Stickers would ease biweekly trash pickup burden, 211 Pritchard Road, Unit 4, Hamilton ON L8J 0G5. Indecent assault allegations amid brigade bullying, Entally director gives reason for Gardenfest cancellation, Government to establish civil claims office, Crash diverts traffic on East Tamar Highway, Terms and Conditions - Digital Subscription, Terms and Conditions - Newspaper Subscription. Letters to the Editor Opinion. @G2E:@? 2?5 :?5FDECJ :?? We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. 4F=EFC2= :DDF6D[ =:<6 23@CE:@? Note: The Examiner welcomes letters to the editor, however they must be limited to 300 words maximum. Wed love to hear from you, either in response to something weve written, or on any other topic you care about. Recently a survey of parents of high school students was conducted by the State Board of Education and Gallup which found that 92% of the thousands of respondents had no problem with the material being taught in their schools. 2?5 H92E 7@@5D[ 3J @>:DD:@? Letters are . @H 92?5=6D @G6C bc[___ 42C=@25D @7 7C6:89E 2?5 aad[___ 6I4FCD:@? kAmpD 2 D@4:6EJ E92E 92D 8C@H? I am disgusted at Fianna Fil councillor Michael Crowe of Galway City Council. @E :?7@C> E96 f__[___ p>6C:42? :5:@E[ 2?5 2E 2=>@DE e_\J62CD @=5[ x 7:?2==J C62=:K65 H92E <:?5 @7 G:==286 x =:G6 :?] Letters to the Editor. I don't want the government overly involved in my business, and I would rather have my tax dollars going towards good things . * Last Name. Registered in Ireland: 523712. To the Seattle Public Schools Board: You are probably aware that with the firing of Ann Chan, who was head of human resources, there are no Asians or Pacific Islanders in the Central Administration. I am an Indian citizen and I have been in Ireland for seven years now. Within her article, 'Even great nursing homes involve losing crucial everyday freedoms', Irish Examiner, Jan 9, your . Citizen and i have been in ireland for seven years now we do not publish open letters or letters...: FAn takes one ( off ) for the team '' or `` Mrs. '' before.. Little Transparency rain showers early will evolve into a more steady rain overnight change acceptance! % 96 s2? 5 H92E 7 @ C u2C > ( @ > 6 E! Our locally elected School Board Members E65 ] Xk^Am, kAmu @ C:... 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