Be careful that there might be traps. I don't remember the AC3 ship combat being especially great with kb/m but if you liked it then you'll have no problem here. I went Mastadon, then Tanhasuer. The Minotaur and the Blackgate are the two most powerful ships and I'll explain why: I played the whole game only with fast ships (finished with a Scarab). On ships like the Durston and Coyote, you have a little more freedom, especially with the freighter and its more limited hardpoint count. This is often the quickest way to offload your valuables without finding the right combo of station and event that would give you a decent price. Increased turret points also help alleviate the Beluga's poor maneuverability, as you won't have to reposition the ship to take out hostiles. . Instead, you're trying to make as much money as possible and survive any fights that come your way. { n="HULL_MULT", t="FLOAT", v=2.2000000476837 }, Each Mining Scow that survives will give you a separate reward. Is there a lot of interesting things to do in it? Ships are the core feature of Rebel Galaxy Outlaw. Using the Gamepad. The one tip I can give is to practice whenever your autopilot's interrupted by a pirate or two. It is also worth noting that some Satellites, when hacked, will spawn a location with a small handful of very valuable asteroids far better than what is there locally (they always spawn in an existing asteroid field), so it is well worth your effort to Pulse as you travel and investigate those signals. There are also different series of ships which is non available for the player, piloted by civilians, police, or criminals. You're not going to be able to build a fleet from ship energy farming alone, although Bistan's ship is great. Playing Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes MOD APK, you will truly be part of the world of Star Wars with legendary Jedi characters. Traders that you meet will trade you goods at above average prices. Summary: Rebel Galaxy is a swashbuckling space adventure, with action-packed combat, exploration, discovery, trade, and "negotiation" with outlandish denizens at the edge of the known universe. Mastadon was the ship I got after the first one. And in general, you are selling more than you are buying in the game (thanks to looting, mining). In general Turrets come in three main types: Projectile, Beam and Missile. A small percentage of the damage to your Hull will hit your subsystems right from the start, so you do want to try and keep your shields from dropping whenever possible. [4] Can only be bought at Bountiful Vista in Eureka and Jesse's Den in Juarez. Tech isn't restricted on ranks, so as long as you're neutral all is good. get the broadside lasers to the highest mk you can get (best broadside by far) step 2) get the damocles. Unless you plan to do a long-range bombing run against a Starbase with the Antimatter Probes this turret type isn't really recommended. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The word "ambush" is not used lightly; on higher risk missions especially Transport missions, it is entirely possible to be warping to the end destination with no enemies in sight on radar when all of a sudden you will be kicked out of warp, have your warp engines stunned and have multiple enemy ships suddenly warp into range from every direction. Like the others said, there is no "best" as such. No other ship matches it, allowing you to get into and out of fights on whichever terms you'd like. The merchants guild eventually starts selling an add on that adds icons to ships' HUD overlays that show if they are carrying anything, or if they have a bounty. Turrets are incredibly effective damage dealers in the right hands, and coupled with the Beluga's heavy armor and shield capacity, you'll have plenty fo time to switch between them as you're swarmed by smaller, faster ships. Upgrading your turrets (all of them) should come. It's fine, not perfect but I have been having an ok time with it. If you've got any strategies that we didn't mention or tips you think could make the guide better, let us know in the comments. You won't be pulling as much salvage from your endless raids, but if you're rocking a Blood Eagle, destruction is its own reward. Using the Gamepad. I've included their details below, and while my overall estimation of each ship remains the same, I'll briefly discuss how each refit differs. Excellent. You can switch between five different speed settings: 0, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. types) are in the game in total? Exclusive stuff is rare to begin with, and as you progress you will still get lower level gear frequently so getting something useful is a much more difficult than in most RPGs. In addition to player ships, there are also many ship models that are exclusively used by NPCs. One very crucial tactic to be aware of: if you fire the Particle Laser to just before the point of overheat (so you don't trigger the emergency cooldown) and release the trigger, but then immediately press it again, the reload time and the charge-up time can be done while the weapons are cooling down. If this controls similarly I should be fine. You don't want to end up with two anti-shield units on the left and two anti-armor units on the right. For instance, a Durston will have trouble keeping up with the smaller Sonora both in speed and turn radius, somewhat negating its thicker hull and higher damage potential. I really don't beleive the few extra broadsides/turrets is worth the tradeoff. Noob). Also some missions, especially for the Red Devils may lead to it. The Sonora does absolutely everything you will ever need out of a ship. I've never seen the hull of my Blackgate take enough damage to lower its opacity on the display. The next ship in the lineup can boast a much more reliable survival rate. Or, if your ship has two turrets on either side, you may want to mix things up so you have a mirrored turret configuration on the left and right sides. Hull is your second line of defense, and once this goes you're likely to die or at the very least have some of your subsystems damaged. Why? This isn't a skill I can teach in text, though. One of the absolutely best situations for making a lot of money quickly is if you have one station with a high-demand event like Famine, and another close-by station with a wide variety of goods (preferably Scientific) with a Market Glut event. It's a difference of selling on item for 1,000 space bucks are flying to the right station and selling it for 34,000 space bucks. In Rebel Galaxy Outlaw, your mission isn't to conquer all of space. I quite like the Icarus. In one-on-one fights, weapons take center stage. In the ship equipment screen at a station you only need to buy one Broadside system to fit all of your cannons, so to get the total damage per salvo multiply the shown damage of the Broadside system by the number of Broadside Ports your current ship has. Thankfully, because the Coyote's speed is only 10 MPS lower than the SandHawk's, you've got essentially the same escape potential. Projectile turrets are a very common weapon system and the first type you start with. Thanks! It's a big help. I guess I'm just gonna stick to buying low and finding a station that has above average pricing, at least that way I can't be wrong. If you've put in the time to upgrade Bountiful Vista to its fullest potential and want to obliterate everything that stands in your way, the Dingo is a no-brainer of a purchase. I think I kinda liked the first ship, but it has to be upgraded because of weapon limitation. Ending the fight quickly should be your priority, so keep your guns firing at all costs. Icarus: fast and nimble, great for running next to a capital ship and wreck havoc. I really wanted the Arcturus after seeing it in-game for the first time. You start hostile towards them, which means they'll attack you on sight. Try maybe a station of a different faction. Be sure to check out these otherRebel Galaxy Outlawarticles for more on the latest entry into the space simulation genre. There's also the Outsiders faction, not to be confused with the Korian Outsiders. In this video i will show you the best ship (Blackgate) with all the best equipment on it (mk6). If you are far enough away from other ships and objects for long enough your ship will enter Sublight Speed, an enhanced non-warp speed that is also prep for warp. After several weeks of travel you arrive at the remote, semi-lawless sector and start looking for clues to her whereabouts. Changing affiliation from hostile to neutral or from neutral to friendly with Militia will lose you 200 points with the Red Devils. If the new ship has fewer Component or Turret slots than the old one, extra equipment will be unequipped and put in your storage. You can download the catalogs in PDF format and consult them for parts and accessories sells a number of Skeeter boat parts, including trolling motors, switches and boat covers. (deleted this from another thread, seemed more suited here). To protect your ship from destruction it has several layers of protection. I went: Hammerhead -> Mastadon -> Tennhausen -> Arcturus I really wanted the Arcturus after seeing it in-game for the first time. @khessed: The prices are green because they are also your sell prices, so being above market would be good. While in Broadside mode your turrets will automatically target and fire on enemy ships at a slow rate, roughly half of what is shown on their market stats. PBP1366 Oct 22, 2015 @ 6:13pm. It also works at long range from a pulse so if you uncover a bounty, you know which group of ships it is. Korians, Murath, Greel, DoubleJacks, Viriax. Was just curious as to what ships others have been using, and what sort of progression people were making from the Hammerhead up. These values will need to change depending on the ship you're flying and where their vulnerabilities lie. Their missions are available at all stations except Red Devils'. I've generally found it most useful to set their tactics to go after the enemy I'm targeting so that they'll assist with capital ships. Values in green indicate the highest values for that statistic among all ships. (Alternatively, holding back on the left stick will slow your ship down as well). Invest early inDuratanium Armor and either a Shield Generator 2 or 4 (as your ship allows). That means you can't just lock onto your enemies and let the computer do the shooting. Cookie Notice I'm really considering getting this, but I ended up getting burned on Elite before i even got started(maybe just the amount of time it took me to learn the controls by never playing a game like it before really). The player can upgrade to any ship provided they have enough funds. Rebel Galaxy appears complicated out of the gate, but it hits a steady pace after some acclimating to the ship controls and menu-based features like upgrade shops and the commodity market. With a full kit of end-game gear (that it can equip anyway), it's the fastest non-combat oriented ship around. Published Aug 8, 2021. What I'm getting at, then, is that the Sonora can and will carry you throughout your entire time inRebel Galaxy Outlaw. Valve Corporation. As of patch 1.18, the player can choose from a total of 12 unique ship models, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. You sacrifice a bit of speed and agility for a major increase in damage potential and a slight improvement in cargo capacity. Every projectile inRebel Galaxy Outlaw, whether it's energy or physical, has a travel time. medium. For instance, if you have one turret on the very front of your ship that has great visibility, you may want to set your anti-aircraft weapon in that slot so it can defend against fighters from all angles. These are good to use when expecting a hit from a missile salvo or to give your main shields some precious few seconds to regenerate if they were close to dropping. Your ship has several weapon systems available. The other factions don't matter as they don't have any stations, hence you can't buy any of their ships and equipment and they don't give out any missions so there's no chance of improving relations with them (these include DoubleJacks, Korian Outsiders, Greel Syndicate, Murath Scavengers and Viriax). The Pulse Turrets are considered the mainstay turret with a good balance of range, projectile speed and damage vs both shields and armor, and they're commonly available right from the starting system. Frequently involving combat, these are usually a search-and-destroy mission for a specific enemy or transporting some goods to a specific location with an ambush lying in wait en-route. !where he shows all of the various types of ships you can fl. There is no better argument for going out of your way to complete the Bountiful Vista quest than this ship right here. You can keep using older ships for a longer period of time and upgrade the weapons, defense and components accordingly. Something the game never explains as far as I can tell - on the map if you point at a station it will tell what kind of economy operates on that station. Red prices are notably below the system average price (so good to buy from) and Green prices are notably above price (so good to sell to). You can boost at Sublight speed, which gives the same percentage multiplier to that speed as it would at normal thrust. The keyboard & mouse controls are fine though, especially compared to how they were when the game was first released. there might be hostiles around). Note that there are many variants of every weapon system, with notable differences in damage per shot, firing rate, accuracy, range, effectiveness against shields or hull, etc; check each one carefully before you buy one to make sure you get one that suits the tactics you like using. As for reprioritizing your targets, here are my hard and fast rules. There are pirates all over the place, and some of them have Bounties on them which will be paid to you the instant you destroy their ship. You're right, there's no "ship class" or "hull class" stats which hint that larger ships can take more damage than smaller ones. Use caution when choosing missions. Rebel Galaxy - best ship + best equipment Marcel Zocker 1.2K subscribers Subscribe 139K views 6 years ago In this video i will show you the best ship (Blackgate) with all the best equipment. I suggest prioritising shields, broadsides and deflectors for upgrades. I just never felt like sacrificing speed for firepower. Showing 1 - 10 of 10 comments. Contents 1 Classification 2 Role classification 3 Miners 4 Freighters 5 Frigates 6 Destroyers 7 Cruisers 8 Battlecruisers 9 Battleships Boosters are a set of higher speed engines with a temporary energy pool (also known as turbo, afterburner, etc). You are going to exchange your ship with an other, so the real cost is the difference between them. I eventually escaped but it would have been really annoying to reload and reset my mission progress. Was just curious as to what ships others have been using, and what sort of progression people were making from the hammerhead up. You want the best armor and shields money can buy. Want to make your SandHawk an even meaner combat machine that could care less about anything except death? The tier given should reflect how good the ship performance is compared to other ships of the same ship class or role. The player can only operate one ship at a time, but they can trade in their ship and buy a different model at any ship dealer. Quite low on tech though. You still need to scan to see the exact goods or bounty amount. And when you're in the thick of it, you'll be able to pick and transfer between targets with unbeatable precision. No one wins fights by staying still, so you do need to understand your engine systems as well. True, even an Mk 4 powerplant might squeal from all the different systems it has to energize. Your cargo hold, tactical, mission log, ship menus are accused by pressing start and using RB and LB to cycle menus. Feel free to attack any of them on sight for the bounty, cargo or whatever other reason. 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