This subsection does not prohibit state agencies authorized to render services to the handicapped from contracting with privately-owned or local facilities for necessary and essential services, subject to such conditions, standards, and procedures as may be prescribed by law. (Former Sec. PharmPAC is the political action committee of the Texas Pharmacy Association, 3200 Steck Ave. #370, Austin, TX 78757. Setting local telephone and electric rates is the responsibility of whom? (i) the owner of the homestead is not required to apply the proceeds of the extension of credit to repay another debt except debt secured by the homestead or debt to another lender; (ii) the owner of the homestead not assign wages as security for the extension of credit; (iii) the owner of the homestead not sign any instrument in which blanks relating to substantive terms of agreement are left to be filled in; (iv) the owner of the homestead not sign a confession of judgment or power of attorney to the lender or to a third person to confess judgment or to appear for the owner in a judicial proceeding; (v) at the time the extension of credit is made, the owner of the homestead shall receive a copy of the final loan application and all executed documents signed by the owner at closing related to the extension of credit; (vi) the security instruments securing the extension of credit contain a disclosure that the extension of credit is the type of credit defined by Subsection (a)(6) of this section; (vii) within a reasonable time after termination and full payment of the extension of credit, the lender cancel and return the promissory note to the owner of the homestead and give the owner, in recordable form, a release of the lien securing the extension of credit or a copy of an endorsement and assignment of the lien to a lender that is refinancing the extension of credit; (viii) the owner of the homestead and any spouse of the owner may, within three days after the extension of credit is made, rescind the extension of credit without penalty or charge; (ix) the owner of the homestead and the lender sign a written acknowledgment as to the fair market value of the homestead property on the date the extension of credit is made; (x) except as provided by Subparagraph (xi) of this paragraph, the lender or any holder of the note for the extension of credit shall forfeit all principal and interest of the extension of credit if the lender or holder fails to comply with the lender's or holder's obligations under the extension of credit and fails to correct the failure to comply not later than the 60th day after the date the lender or holder is notified by the borrower of the lender's failure to comply by: (a) paying to the owner an amount equal to any overcharge paid by the owner under or related to the extension of credit if the owner has paid an amount that exceeds an amount stated in the applicable Paragraph (E), (G), or (O) of this subdivision; (b) sending the owner a written acknowledgement that the lien is valid only in the amount that the extension of credit does not exceed the percentage described by Paragraph (B) of this subdivision, if applicable, or is not secured by property described under Paragraph (H) of this subdivision, if applicable; (c) sending the owner a written notice modifying any other amount, percentage, term, or other provision prohibited by this section to a permitted amount, percentage, term, or other provision and adjusting the account of the borrower to ensure that the borrower is not required to pay more than an amount permitted by this section and is not subject to any other term or provision prohibited by this section; (d) delivering the required documents to the borrower if the lender fails to comply with Subparagraph (v) of this paragraph or obtaining the appropriate signatures if the lender fails to comply with Subparagraph (ix) of this paragraph; (e) sending the owner a written acknowledgement, if the failure to comply is prohibited by Paragraph (K) of this subdivision, that the accrual of interest and all of the owner's obligations under the extension of credit are abated while any prior lien prohibited under Paragraph (K) remains secured by the homestead; or, (f) if the failure to comply cannot be cured under Subparagraphs (x)(a)-(e) of this paragraph, curing the failure to comply by a refund or credit to the owner of $1,000 and offering the owner the right to refinance the extension of credit with the lender or holder for the remaining term of the loan at no cost to the owner on the same terms, including interest, as the original extension of credit with any modifications necessary to comply with this section or on terms on which the owner and the lender or holder otherwise agree that comply with this section; and. DURATION OF MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE OFFICES. "Constitutional president of the Senate" Financial leverage: The House alone can bring impeachment charges against a statewide officer, which charges must be tried by the senate. The Legislature shall have authority to define interest and fix maximum rates of interest; provided, however, in the absence of legislation fixing maximum rates of interest all contracts for a greater rate of interest than ten per centum (10%) per annum shall be deemed usurious; provided, further, that in contracts where no rate of interest is agreed upon, the rate shall not exceed six per centum (6%) per annum. State laws permitting this are on the books in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New Mexico, Nevada, Massachusetts New York, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont . IF YOU DO NOT REPAY THE LOAN OR IF YOU FAIL TO MEET THE TERMS OF THE LOAN, THE LENDER MAY FORECLOSE AND SELL YOUR HOME. are stricter than those in the federal legislature, reflecting the belief that only the most qualified Texans deserve to serve. Sec. Such machines may perform all banking functions. (b) amended Nov. 2, 1999; Subsec. 13 added Sept. 13, 2003.) (a) and (b) amended Nov. 4, 1980; Subsec. For an office for which this constitution requires an election, the legislature may provide by general law for a person to take the office without an election if the person is the only candidate to qualify in an election to be held for that office. VETERANS HOSPITALS. PROTECTION OF HOMESTEAD FROM FORCED OR UNAUTHORIZED SALE; EXCEPTIONS; REQUIREMENTS FOR MORTGAGE LOANS AND OTHER OBLIGATIONS SECURED BY HOMESTEAD. (b) underdamping This subsection expands the authority of the Legislature with respect to certain conservation and reclamation districts and is not a limitation on the authority of the Legislature with respect to conservation and reclamation districts and parks and recreational facilities pursuant to this section as that authority existed before September 13, 2003. In the Texas House of Representatives, who has the power to allow members to speak in floor debates? (Feb. 15, 1876. To carry out the program authorized by this subsection, the legislature may authorize loans, loan guarantees, and equity investments using money in the Texas product development fund and the issuance of up to $25 million of general obligation bonds to provide initial funding of the Texas product development fund. (c-1) In addition and only as provided by this subsection, the Legislature may authorize conservation and reclamation districts to develop and finance with taxes those types and categories of parks and recreational facilities that were not authorized by this section to be developed and financed with taxes before September 13, 2003. 23: See Appendix, Note 3.). clerk. (b) Following the expiration of a term of an appointive office that is filled by appointment of the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate and that is not an office for which the officer receives a salary, the period for which the officer shall continue to perform the duties of office under Subsection (a) of this section ends on the last day of the first regular session of the Legislature that begins after the expiration of the term. (c) Nov. 2, 1999.) A HOME EQUITY LOAN MUST BE WITHOUT RECOURSE FOR PERSONAL LIABILITY AGAINST YOU AND YOUR SPOUSE. (o) For the purposes of determining eligibility under any statute relating to payments, allowances, benefits, or services provided on a means-tested basis by this state, including supplemental security income, low-income energy assistance, property tax relief, medical assistance, and general assistance: (1) reverse mortgage loan advances made to a borrower are considered proceeds from a loan and not income; and. 6. (a), (f), (g), and (t) amended and (f-1) added Nov. 7, 2017.). Sec. the Texas legislature (Added Nov. 8, 1988; expired Sept. 1, 2008.). STATE AND LOCAL RETIREMENT SYSTEMS. Cast vote in the Senate when there is a tie Amended Nov. 6, 1894, and Nov. 2, 1982; Subsec. (2) Benefits under these systems must be reasonably related to participant tenure and contributions. Box 12428 Austin Texas . In the Texas legislature, all bills dealing with state revenue must? c) Express the speed v in terms of G, M, and R. (c) and (d) deleted, and Subsecs. The president directs the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces . media. In all elections to fill vacancies of office in this State, it shall be to fill the unexpired term only. The Legislature may provide by law that a board required by this constitution be composed of members of any number divisible by three (3) who serve for a term of six (6) years, with one-third of the members elected or appointed every two (2) years. For questions about this bulletin, contact the Agent and Adjuster Licensing Office at 512-676-6500 or Needs a 100% yes vote to pass. All pretended sales of the homestead involving any condition of defeasance shall be void. (2) a faculty member or retired faculty member of a public institution of higher education may receive compensation for serving as a member of a governing body of a water district created under Section 59 of this article or under Section 52, Article III, of this constitution. 4) Amended Nov. 2, 1926, Nov. 8, 1932, Nov. 7, 1972, Nov. 6, 2001, and Sept. 13, 2003; Subsec. The first would preempt significant portions of the. RULES OF PROCEDURE; PUNISHMENT OR EXPULSION OF MEMBER. PRACTITIONERS OF MEDICINE. 49. 4) Under authority of Texas Education Code, 37.207, LEAs are required to respond to a survey . (1) The legislature may enact general laws establishing systems and programs of retirement and related disability and death benefits for public employees and officers. She has experience with Georgia's . (b) The Legislature shall enact a law or laws whereby the qualified voters of any county, justice's precinct or incorporated town or city, may, by a majority vote of those voting, determine from time to time whether the sale of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes shall be prohibited or legalized within the prescribed limits; and such laws shall contain provisions for voting on the sale of intoxicating liquors of various types and various alcoholic content. If the office of County Surveyor is abolished under this subsection, the maps, field notes, and other records in the custody of the County Surveyor are transferred to the county officer or employee designated by the Commissioners Court of the county in which the office is abolished, and the Commissioners Court may from time to time change its designation as it considers appropriate. 51 in 1983 included a section that did not purport to amend the constitution and that provided the following: "This amendment applies to all homesteads in this state, including homesteads acquired before the adoption of this amendment.". 44. Banks may share the use of such machines within the county or city of their domicile with savings and loan associations and credit unions which are domiciled in the same county or city. b. (c)-(g) deleted, and Subsec. (s) The Finance Commission of Texas shall appoint a director to conduct research on the availability, quality, and prices of financial services and research the practices of business entities in the state that provide financial services under this section. 11. 3) For an office for which this constitution requires an election, the legislature may provide by general law for a person to take the office without an election if the person is the only candidate to qualify in an election to be held for that office. (Feb. 15, 1876. the regular session of the Legislature the various committees of each House shall hold hearings to consider all bills and resolutions and other matters then pending; and such emergency matters as may be submitted by the Governor. For a Texas governor, what is the benefit of a post-adjournment veto? 1) (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISIONS for Sec. Sec. 19: See Appendix, Note 3.). 9. 18: See Appendix, Note 1. The fund shall contain a project account, an interest and sinking account, and other accounts authorized by the legislature. (a) The Legislature shall by general laws, authorize the incorporation of state banks and savings and loan associations and shall provide for a system of State supervision, regulation and control of such bodies which will adequately protect and secure the depositors and creditors thereof. auditor. Wherever by virtue of Statute or charter provisions appointive offices of any municipality are placed under the terms and provisions of Civil Service and rules are set up governing appointment to and removal from such offices, the provisions of Article 16, Section 30, of the Texas Constitution limiting the duration of all offices not fixed by the Constitution to two (2) years shall not apply, but the duration of such offices shall be governed by the provisions of the Civil Service law or charter provisions applicable thereto. (2) qualified for office under Section 6, Article III, of this constitution for a senator, or Section 7, Article III, of this constitution for a representative. To assist procurement professionals and agency personnel, SPD is providing a Crosswalk that will show detailed changes between the State of Texas Procurement . (b) amended Nov. 8, 2011.) Three must be private citizens with no direct connection with the field of law enforcement. Amended Nov. 8, 1983, and Nov. 2, 1999.). (xi) the lender or any holder of the note for the extension of credit shall forfeit all principal and interest of the extension of credit if the extension of credit is made by a person other than a person described under Paragraph (P) of this subdivision or if the lien was not created under a written agreement with the consent of each owner and each owner's spouse, unless each owner and each owner's spouse who did not initially consent subsequently consents; (8) the conversion and refinance of a personal property lien secured by a manufactured home to a lien on real property, including the refinance of the purchase price of the manufactured home, the cost of installing the manufactured home on the real property, and the refinance of the purchase price of the real property. the governor is responsible for appointing individuals to fill vacancies for appellate and district court judges. (Feb. 15, 1876. 1) (a) Except as otherwise provided by this section, the Legislature shall prescribe the duties and provide for the election by the qualified voters of each county in this State, of a County Treasurer and a County Surveyor, who shall have an office at the county seat, and hold their office for four years, and until their successors are qualified; and shall have such compensation as may be provided by law. 13 repealed Aug. 5, 1969; current Sec. (3) Each statewide benefit system must have a board of trustees to administer the system and to invest the funds of the system in such securities as the board may consider prudent investments. 4) "(7) THE LENDER MAY NOT UNILATERALLY AMEND THE TERMS OF THE LINE OF CREDIT. MEMBERS OF STATE BOARDS; TERMS OF OFFICE. (a)-(d) amended and (e)-(s) added Nov. 4, 1997; Subsecs. EXCLUSIONS FROM OFFICE FOR CONVICTION OF HIGH CRIMES. The following are the legal requirements in order for someone to meet the qualifications to become a member of the Texas Legislature. The Legislature may permit a bank domiciled within a city located in two or more counties to establish and operate branches within both the city and the county of its domicile, subject to limitations the Legislature imposes. (a) The conservation and development of all of the natural resources of this State, and development of parks and recreational facilities, including the control, storing, preservation and distribution of its storm and flood waters, the waters of its rivers and streams, for irrigation, power and all other useful purposes, the reclamation and irrigation of its arid, semi-arid and other lands needing irrigation, the reclamation and drainage of its overflowed lands, and other lands needing drainage, the conservation and development of its forests, water and hydro-electric power, the navigation of its inland and coastal waters, and the preservation and conservation of all such natural resources of the State are each and all hereby declared public rights and duties; and the Legislature shall pass all such laws as may be appropriate thereto. 71. What is the most significant and far-reaching of the Texas governor's powers? Sec. No current wages for personal service shall ever be subject to garnishment, except for the enforcement of court-ordered: (Feb. 15, 1876. Sec. appointed to do so by the governor and lieutenant governor. (a) All district officers in the State of Texas and all county officers in counties having a population of twenty thousand (20,000) or more, according to the then last preceding Federal Census, shall be compensated on a salary basis. (b) In all counties in this State, the Commissioners Courts shall be authorized to determine whether precinct officers shall be compensated on a fee basis or on a salary basis, with the exception that it shall be mandatory upon the Commissioners Courts, to compensate all justices of the peace, constables, deputy constables and precinct law enforcement officers on a salary basis. The board of trustees of a system or program that provides retirement and related disability and death benefits for public officers and employees and that does not participate in a statewide public retirement system shall: (1) administer the system or program of benefits; (2) hold the assets of the system or program for the exclusive purposes of providing benefits to participants and their beneficiaries and defraying reasonable expenses of administering the system or program; and. Sec. What makes the greatest difference between strong and weak governors of Texas? Sec. What is the importance of the Supreme Court case Reynolds v. Sims? A governing body or executive head shall make a record of: (1) a finding under Section 574.001; and (2) any compensation that the nonelective officer is to receive from holding the additional office, including salary, bonus, or per diem payment. What is the primary task of the Texas secretary of state? Sec. These nine members are voting members of the Commission. I, GREG ABBOTT, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, by the authority vested in me by Article III, Sections 5 and 40, and Article IV, Section 8 of the Texas Constitution, do hereby call an extraordinary session of the 87th Legislature, to convene in the City of Austin, commencing at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, September 20, 2021, for the following purposes: Project account, and Nov. 2, 1999 ; Subsec for questions about this bulletin, contact the Agent Adjuster... Allow members to speak in floor debates ) Added Nov. 8, 1988 ; expired Sept. 1 2008! Stricter than those in the Texas Pharmacy Association, 3200 Steck Ave. # 370 Austin! Texas House of Representatives, who has the power to allow members to speak floor! License @ in this state, it shall be void to participant tenure contributions! 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