Il nuovo catalogo dedicato alle bussole speciali e agli inserti speciali è disponibile online nel nostro sito.
Su un'importante rivista di settore è uscito un nuovo articolo dedicato al catalogo.
FIXI has introduced a brand new catalogue for self-tapping and special threaded inserts, which it says are easy to install by manual or machine operated tools, as well as being high resistance fixings.
FIXI self-tapping inserts are metal bushes with an internal and external thread. These inserts are designed with a cutting slot or cutting holes that allow the self-tapping feature. They are used in both hard materials such as steel and stainless steel, as well as soft materials such as light alloys, plastics, copper, cast iron and wood.
These inserts are available in different geometries with specific technical features and are suitable for many applications in several industries such as automotive and railway, household appliances, medical devices, furniture, composite products and more.
Self-tapping inserts are also easy to be installed. A user must simply drill the right hole diameter in the receiving material and insert the fastener by using a manual or machine operated installation tool.
The use of self-tapping inserts can also result in a reduction in thread size required, saving material, reducing weight and costs. By using the self-tapping inserts, the base material can be thinner and less expensive too. Self-tapping inserts ensure a higher pull-out force compared to the one given by pre-tapping the receiving material.
As well as this, FIXI is also introducing a new range of special threaded inserts – the KN-KNH series – available in thin wall or heavy-duty versions. The inserts feature 2 or 4 locking keys that once installed – by a punch or hammer – lock the insert against the rotation due to torsion or vibration. The insert can be used to obtain high performance thread on light alloys, steel and cast iron or to repair worn thread.
Fixi Srl a socio unico - Società soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento di Berardi Bullonerie Srl
Via Bellardi 40/A - 10146 Torino (Italy) - Tel. 011 70.72.398 - 011 70.70.877 - Fax 011 70.72.521
Capitale Sociale € 100.000 - Reg. Imp., Cod. Fisc. e P.IVA IT 13092700015 - Iscriz. al Reg. delle Imp. REA di Torino N.1338440
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